
Welcome to our Mortars & Pestles page!

These are made from banded onyx, red marble,  black marble, or fossil marble. Simply click the photo to view larger picture and  secure purchase page. Thank you for taking the time to view these items. If you have further questions, feel free to send us an e-mail here: click  Please include the product ID# on the subject line of your email.

updated 07-17-19


Small sized

Mortars & Pestles

approx 3 inches wide, 2 1/2 inches tall

$24.00 each

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medium 4 inchers

$35.00 each

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Mortars & Pestles

approx 5 x 5 inches

$45.00 each

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Jumbo 6 inch mortars and pestles.

Easy to work with.

$55.00 each!

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